Today, the League of Women Voters CEO Virginia Kase Solomón released the following statement in support of the legislation to protect DACA recipients:
“We strongly support legislation that would permanently protect recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Individuals who benefit from DACA live in every state around the country and contribute to their communities. For decades, they have lived in fear of deportation while hearing promises of reform. People who are protected by DACA deserve to have peace of mind regarding where they call home.
“Protecting Dreamers is the patriotic thing to do, and it is long overdue. We must take broader steps to fix our broken immigration system so that immigrant families do not have to live in fear. As outlined in our letter to Congress, there should be no delay in taking action to protect the Dreamers from future attempts to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
“We are pleased to hear from House and Senate leadership that protecting the Dreamers is a high priority for the remaining time of the 117th Congress.
“A true democracy includes fair and equitable immigration policies with a path to citizenship. With just a few short working weeks left this year, we call on Congress to take immediate action to protect the Dreamers for once and for all. The League stands with all Dreamers, and we strongly support legislation to permanently protect DACA recipients while we work toward lasting common-sense fair immigration policies for all.”
Press Contact: Shannon Augustus | 202-768-9578 | saugustus@lwv.org
Contact the LWVGR Immigration Committee Chair to learn how to help locally.