We are fortunate that Karen F. Van Howe took notes on the LVWGR/AKA October 16, 2024 forum and shared them with us. LWVGR co-hosts were Eliminate Racism 815, AAUW, and AKA.
LWVGR Vice President Jen Blaisdell welcomed everyone. Becky Cook-Kendall, facilitator for the Eliminate Racism Health Action Team introduced Wally Haas, former Managing Editor of the Rockford Register Star newspaper, who moderated the panel.
The purpose tonight is to offer information, not tell people how to vote. Mental Health services are an important part of our community. A 2016 report warned of a mental health emergency in Winnebago County. With the closing of Singer Mental Health Center, support for mental health services have declined. Most counties have funding for mental health. Winnebago County did not. In 2018 voters supported a .05¢ per $100.00 sales tax to support Mental Health services. Many resources have emerged; more are still needed—and are essential.
Panelists: Terry White, Crusader Clinic; Sue Schroeder from Stepping Stones, Tim Nabors, on Winnebago County Board and Winnebago County Mental Health Board.
Terry White: Services made available because of the sales tax:
- Increased access for patients who didn’t have access to mental health services before
- Tele-site services 28 hours per week. Before, they had to refer out, and patients usually did not get there.
- 11,000 people were provided services in 2020. At the end of 2023, 20,000 were served.
- Integrated model mental health professional in the office. Critical element.
- 80% of meds are provided by primary care physicians. Crusader can get people in for services and do not need to send people out for services.
- Recruiting psychiatrists is difficult. The 3 they have now are in Kentucky, Florida, and Iowa, but can be accessed by tele-site
- One program created through UI College of Medicine —social worker pipeline. Because of required hours, students can be employed for their 3000 hours to transition into LCSW positions. Three are in that category.
- Wishlist: Better access for Child psychiatry (more expensive than adult psychiatry)
Sue Schroeder: Stepping Stones has been around for 55 years. Because of the sales tax:
- Services were expanded from 160 people/year to over 800/year.
- Able to purchase a building for out-patient counseling service for people with no insurance, Medicaid.
- Serve patients down to age 6. Half of patients are under 18 .
- Received funding to renovate a group home for 8 men. Helps to decrease wait time
- Purchased land for a new group home for 10 people completely handicapped accessible. People need housing and services.
- Renovations for main office, more clinical space, more administrative support space.
- Younger clients. 18 and under. Out-patient—10 therapists prefer to work with children. They are all LCSW or LSW. All have access to extended training related to trauma. Needs for youth troubled by domestic violence, effects of COVID. Stepping Stones converses with the schools but their programs are outside of the schools. Before and after school. Trying to increase access.
- Certified music therapist (writing, recitals, etc.)
- Certified Art therapist.
- Rec Room, basketball court, pickleball court, foosball—therapy-friendly
- Wishlist: In-person providers (They have tele-site but need onsite people)
Tim Nabors—on Winnebago Community Mental Health Board and Winnebago County Board.
- Workshops given to help people write grants. Board evaluates grants.
- Funded 44 programs. Every quarter they served 3000 people.
- Needed programs to fill the gaps that aren’t funded in the county. Big gap has been in Youth services. Boys and Girls Club, YMCA have received funding for programs.
- Tax has helped fill the gap left by closing of Singer.
- Mental health program for homeless. Looking at model in California where through the court system families can bring members in for mental health treatment.
- Lobbying committee
Grants come out December and January. Criteria for grants: Rigorous vetting progress
- Program must fill a gap not currently filled
- Program must not be funded by another income
- Prove ability to manage the money
- Evidence-based practice/programs
Capital funding—new facility with the horses, part funded by mental health tax
Just ended funding of the accelerated funding for a one time ask, summer need.
Why was there so much $ left over—system is invoice-based. Do not get the money upfront. Money left over can be used for other programs.
Sometimes money for programs can be earned from other sources and grant money is then available for other programs.
- Another large organization like Rosecrance to collaborate with so all the pressure isn’t on Rosecrance
- Child psychiatrist (Not a single one in Winnebago County; just a few in all of Illinois)
- Scholarship system to attract and train mental health professionals
Impact report is available.
Questions and Answers
Q: Are court-ordered individuals served?
A: Yes, we work with States Attorney office and court system
Q: School Social Worker numbers are down. What can be done to increase the number.
A: There is a nation-wide shortage. Everyone is competing for social workers. No control over this, but programs through UI, Crusader Clinic and RU do help in training. RPS 205 has their own mental health funding from the state that is separate from the sales tax funding.
Q: Have you lobbied/encouraged our state legislators and federal legislators? What is their response?
A: Not allowed to lobby because of non-profit status. (Sue) Is on Community Health Service board that talks with legislators.
(Tim) Grants are offered that organizations can apply for. We have to raise our own funds through sales tax. Maurice West is chairperson of Mental Health committee for State of Illinois. Maurice says we are a “Best practice” county and admired by other counties. Our state legislators are responsive.
Q: A medical resident who moved here from Texas said it is difficult to transfer licensing from one state to another. Can we work on this as a community?
A: We are working on making it easier to move between states. It is a state issue.
(Comment: If not for our legislators, we would not have the .05% tax. Thank you to Maurice West, Steve Stadelman and 2 others who worked to make us a leader in the state.)
Q: Clarification regarding not one child psychiatrist in area—is that just one who will accept Medicaid?
A: There is not one child psychiatrist in the area. Prescribers also cost more than Medicaid pays. There is a tele-psychiatrist from Florida who sees children. Also an APN clinical nurse who can work with children at Crusader.
Health Care Consultant for the City of Rockford, Ryan Brauns: Thanks to legislators and Angie Goral. The Health Tax is on the ballot. It was on the ballot in March 4 years ago. It is not guaranteed to pass. Please tell people. This is a vote to continue what we’ve been paying for 4 years. It is not a new tax. These organizations helped by the mental health tax have changed the face of human services in Winnebago County.
The .05¢ sales tax retention is a referendum on the November 5, 2025 election ballot.