About two dozen League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford members swiftly mobilized to show support at a Rockford City Council meeting for the “Rockford: All People are Welcome” sign at the I-90 and E. State St. entrance. The meeting, held Monday, February 24, 2025 at 5:30 pm, included signage, photos of the discussed sign and 3 proponent speakers. The resolution to affirm the welcome sign was passed 4-0. It will go to a full City Council vote on Monday, March 10, 2025.
The League of Women Voters so Greater Rockford encourages public input to all governmental entities. As your representatives, the people you put in office need to reflect your collective will. More information on Rockford City Council meetings, a three-minute public participation form, and contact information on your alderpersons is available on their webpage.