Dreamers march DACA

National League Supports “Dreamer” Protection

“The League stands with all Dreamers, and we strongly support legislation to permanently protect DACA recipients while we work toward lasting common-sense fair immigration policies for all.”

U. S. Constitution and Flag

Choose Democracy

“It’s a republic, if you can keep it.“— Benjamin Franklin


I Vote Because…

As a proud coalition partner of Go Vote 815, the League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford, Illinois had the opportunity to gather citizen comment on why they vote! Go Vote 815 is a Northern Illinois GOTV/Get Out The Vote initiative that has over 20 coalition members.

Reproductive Choice by Women

League Position on Reproductive Choice

The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that public policy in a pluralistic society must affirm the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

Go Vote 815 is a Northern Illinois initiative to register and educate voters to increase voter activity.

Rockford Mayor McNamara announced City Endorsement of Go Vote 815

The Northern Illinois voter encouragement program, Go Vote 815, has over 20 local coalition members, many of whom had representatives voice their endorsement of great voter activity and the Go Vote 815 initiative at the Mayor’s Press Conference. The League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford, Illinois is also a coalition member.

Groovy Ballot Box

Voter Services Video Instructs the Public on Voter Registration and Election Sources

Carol Davies, LWVGR Voter Services Chair, narrates a training video on myriad ways for voters, voter registrars, election judges, etc. to find everything they need to know about elections in Illinois. Since a 2017 state re-write of Photo registration and election laws, many people are registered and don’t even know it. Here’s how to become Voter Services Video Instructs the Public on Voter Registration and Election Sources

Fighting-Voter Suppression-lwv

Fighting Voter Suppression

We protect every American’s right to vote, challenging those who seek to restrict Black, brown, female, and other voices in our democracy.