Candidate Information Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastStreet Address *City *State *Zip Code *Cell Phone Number *Personal Email *EmailConfirm EmailMay the League contact your email or text? *Yes, I want to know about League events.No, I do not want to know about League events.We never share contact information with anyone. Ever.Preferred public campaign contact method *Please list any websites, email, phone, etc. If you include social media, please state the full link. (facebook,com/myname) Your personal contact data will not be revealed without permission. Highest Education Achieved *Attended High SchoolHigh School Diploma or GEDAttended college, no degreeAssociate Degree Diploma or Trade certificationFour-year College DegreeMasters DegreePost-graduate or Terminal DegreeField of Experience, either paid or volunteer *Candidate Party *Elective Office *Alderman, County Board Representative, Mayor, etc.Constituent Area *8th Ward, County Board District 5, etc.Candidate Status *IncumbentChallengerWhy do you want to be on the City Council? What prompted you to run for office? *How much time, in hours, do you think you will have to spend each week in committee meetings? Selected Value: 1 How much time, in hours, will you have available each week to address constituents concerns, discuss issues, and personally meet with some constituents? Selected Value: 0 Do you have any plans, or ambition, to seek other elected positions in government after serving on the City Council? *Yes, I’ve always wanted to serve anyway I can.No, This office is my only goal.Maybe. Let’s see how this goes.Do you plan to hold regular public constituent meetings? *NoYes, monthlyYes, QuarterlyYes, Annually.What are the special challenges of your constituent area and how do you plan to address those needs? *What specific talents from your previous experiences make you a good candidate for your office? *For Rockford aldermanic candidates: On which committees do you wish to be a member? Code & RegulationCommunity Action AgencyFinance & PersonnelHistoric PreservationHousing Ad HocLabor NegotiationsLiquor CommissionLegislative & LobbyingPlanning & DevelopmentRockford Area Arts CouncilRockford Area Economic Development CouncilRockford Area Venues & EntertainmentRock River Development PartnershipWinnebago County Health Dept.What specific skills do you bring to the committees? *What is your experience in group negotiations for stated goals? (In partisan situations certain guidelines may need consensus.) *If you feel strongly about a particular issue and your constituents feel the opposite, how would you vote when the issues comes up on the Council? *Vote as the majority of my constituents want. I represent them.Vote with my knowledge and experience. That’s why I was chosen to represent.In decisions where your constituent area will gain at the expense of the community as a whole, where does your allegiance to your constituent area end and your concern about community-wide issues begin? *What is the core reason(s) for crime in your constituent area and the community as a whole. *What ideas do you have to reduce crime in your constituent area and the community as a whole? Please include funding ideas. *Do you support retraining police to reduce confrontational police tactics? *No, Change is not needed. Local police are not confrontational unless absolutely necessary for safety.No, police retraining is not needed, but additional social resources are needed to augment the ability to keep the peace.Yes, confrontational police tactics are not necessary to keep the peace.Yes, police retraining is needed and additional social resources are needed to augment the ability to keep the peace.What method would you support to pay for additional social resources to keep the peace? *Keep police funding the same; support higher taxes to pay for additional social resources.Re-allocate current police funding to pay for additional social resources. No higher taxes.There is no problem. No change in police funding or social resources. No higher taxes.What do you think the community can do about the increase in gun violence that has not already been done? *What ideas do you have for more commerce that brings jobs to the community for middle-class wages and benefits? *What do you think needs done to address the issues of social-economic and race inequity this community? *For Rockford Candidates Only: Do you support the continuation of the 1% sales tax for road infrastructure?YesNoConcerning the Covid-19 pandemic, what mitigation-level rules you support? *Mandatory CDC-recommended masks and 6-foot social distancing.Recommended CDC-recommended masks and 6-foot social distancing.There is no pandemic. Seasonal disease outbreaks are normal. No mitigation rules.Please state any other areas, important to you, that you want the public to know. Submit