Election Guide Downloads
Election Cheat Sheets
Candidate Views
On January 9, 2021 The League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford sent a questionnaire to reachable candidates in the Municipal Elections being held April 6, 2021. Early voting started March 12, and mail-in ballots available when a request is sent to: Rockford Board of Elections at voterockford.com, Boone County Clerk’s office and the Winnebago County Clerk’s office.
The results are for the contested primary races only.
Start here at the Candidate Views page.
Election and Voting General information
https://illinoisvoterguide.org/ is powered by the League of Women Voters of Illinois and includes live links to:
- Register to vote
- Check voter registration
- Find what is on your ballot (on April 6, 2021)
- Apply for Vote by Mail ballot
Voting in Person

Local Elections and Voting Information Links
https://voterockfordil.gov City of Rockford Board of Elections. This site includes links to register to vote, voting options, and district information. For more detailed information, download this PDF.
https://winnebagocountyclerk.com/election-information Winnebago County Clerk’s Office and includes election information
https://www.boonecountyil.org/content/voter-and-election-information Boone county voter and election information
https://www.lwvil.org/ League of Women Voters of Illinois website.
42+ states and the District of Columbia have approved mail-in, or absentee balloting. It’s a safe method for those concerned about Covid-19 exposure.
Anyone who is registered to vote in Illinois can request a mail-in ballot.
Legislation that increased voter access for the 2020 General Election was passed for COVID-19 relief, and expired on December 31, 2020, eliminating the use of drop boxes for returning vote by mail ballots. It is recommended that voters apply for their vote by mail ballots early so they have plenty of time to return them through the mail.
Voters must submit their applications by mail to their local voting jurisdiction. For those who haven’t voted in recent years, applications for each jurisdiction can be found at elections.il.gov/electionoperations/VotingByMail.aspx.
If their application is approved, voters will receive their ballot by mail. Ballots began going out on March 12-April 5, the same day early voting begans.
Ballots must be returned by April 1 either in person at the local election authority or by mail. Officials will accept ballots by mail up to 15 days after the election, but they must be postmarked by February 23.
Each mail-in ballot envelope has a UPC code which relates to a tracking number. You can follow the progress of your envelope on usps.gov. If there is a blank envelope included with your ballot, be sure to put the ballot in the blank envelope, then insert it into the mailing envelope.
Tracking your ballot to your voting authority is just like tracking your package from Amazon.
Voters can still cast their mail-in ballots in person on Election Day or during early voting.
Early voting begins March 12 and ends April 5. Check your voting authority for open days and times.
Every election authority can establish one “super site” either at their office or in the jurisdiction’s largest municipality where any voter in the jurisdiction, regardless of precinct, can vote on Election Day.
Mail ballots will be counted on Election Night. Judges can begin verifying signatures and processing ballots up to 15 days prior to the election, but the ballots won’t be tabulated until April 6.
Rules involving political signage
Under Illinois law 65 ILCS 5/11-13-1, the posting of campaign signs on residential property at any time may not be prevented. Sign size is restricted however. Keep campaign signs AWAY from polling locations by at least 100 feet. You can read up more here.
Make sure to include your sponsorship disclaimer identify the responsible party. i.e. “Paid for by (group or person).” For more info, check out this link.
How can I help to have fair and safe elections?
Become an election judge. In Illinois an election judge much must work the entire election day, from 6 AM until ballots are taken from the polling place to the voting authorities officers. It’s a long day, but you do get paid. Contact your voting authority: the county clerk in your county or The Rockford Board of Elections. The contact information is above.
Report problems

Voters who encounter problems while voting should report them to the Election Protection Hotline. Trained experts are prepared to talk voters through any issues.
- 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
- 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español).
- 1-888-API-VOTE (Asian multilingual assistance)
- 1-844-YALLA-US (Arabic)
No matter how you vote, the League of Women Voters wants to ensure everyone has the information they need to participate in our elections. For more specific questions about elections in your area or to get involved, reach out to your local League of Women Voters. We have more than 750 Leagues around the country.
Voter Intimidation
Issues or questions regarding perceived intimidation of an individual voter can be addressed at the time it occurs by calling the Election Protection Hotlines.
Related to a rally near a voting site, if you are a witness to or are aware of any type of intimidation, the ACLU of Illinois suggests the following be noted:
- How close the ralliers are to people in line to vote.
- How many of them there are.
- Whether they are communicating directly to voters.
- Whether they are armed (our understanding is that this would definitely be illegal).
- Whether their signs, chants, or other speech appears designed to intimidate.
- Whether their rally – intentionally or not – makes it physically difficult for people to get in line to vote.